I can take a look for you, and come back with some recommendations by doing some SEO Analysis to give you a brief outline of where you need to go from here.
This includes what data I can gather with our tools, without Google Analytics or Search Console access. I run the tools on the site and highlight the main issues. I also address the questions you have sent me, and help you formulate a plan. Then I create a 15-minute video, and send that to you with a PDF report.
Perform prior SEO analysis
- Address main items
15-minute walkthrough video
PDF Analysis reports
- Report shared to your SEMrush account or emailed
Of course, the benefit of the video done of the analysis is you get my knowledge and experience on how you can make changes and improvements.
This Audit then allows us to get some idea of what you will need to address to get further SEO results to help reach outcomes strategy, as opposed to just paying for a general package, which might not be very targeted, and results might be poorer.
The analysis and recommendations results are yours to take away, and you are free to complete the work in-house or employ a professional, it’s up to you.